05 December 2009

This made using the old version of Copernic Desktop Search much less painful.
This is extracted from the second last post in a forum at.

http://depositfiles.com/en/files/6936586 contained a copy of the version mentioned at this time.

I've got Copernic running perfectly now!
The best free version they ever made - version 2.30 - build 30.
Got it from the link on this forum.

Find the ApplicationConfig.ini file at
C:\Program Files\Copernic Desktop Search 2\FileRepository\50

and change the first line AdEnabled="True"
to AdEnabled="False"

No update nag
Just put your clock forward a few years, open Copernic, click Cancel to the update, then put your clock back to today.
I didn't need to mess with the registry (as above).

This program was by far the best desktop search, and with these changes it's perfect!

01 December 2009

SysAdminHell: "Proxy PAC Files, How to Use With Laptops and Local Bypass"

Sorting out Proxy PAC files has been one of my pet hates since I spent hours trying to make sense out of a dozen different how-to's each with their own typos and errors built in to them.
This one helps you stay sane while (possibly) fixing your Proxy PAC problems.

14 October 2009

Logon Script To Attach To A Server Based On IP Address

Logon Script To Attach To A Server Based On IP Address

Info on both Kix and batch file commands to do things based on the IP address of the client.
Examples in case they get lost.
;Establishes $location variable, determined by subnet
$address = @IPADDRESS0
$subnet = SubStr($address,9,3)
$subnet1 = SubStr($address,13,3)
Case $subnet = "xxx" And $subnet1 >= "xxx" And $subnet1 <= "xxx"
$location = servername-1
"net use d: \\" & $location &"\" & @username &" /persistent"
Case (($subnet = "xxx" And $subnet1 >= "xxx" And $subnet1 <= "xxx") $location = servername2
"net use d: \\" & $location &"\" & @username & " /persistent"
or something to that effect...

Normal batch commands:-

IPCONFIG | FIND "10.76.128." > NUL
NET USE Z: \\server1\%username% > NUL
IPCONFIG | FIND "10.76.129." > NUL
NET USE Z: \\server2\%username% > NUL
Original page is on http://www.adminscripteditor.com in the forums.
Thanks to bphilhower for the kix version and Witto for the batch commands.

25 September 2009

Cybersecurity: It's our problem | IT Security | TechRepublic.com

Cybersecurity: It's our problem | IT Security | TechRepublic.com: "Cybersecurity: It's our problem"
An interesting idea on what future options exist for cyber law enforcement.

02 September 2009

How to reduce spam: Writing Rules for SpamAssassin to Avoid Spam, a Primer

How to reduce spam: Writing Rules for SpamAssassin to Avoid Spam, a Primer: "A Guide to Writing your own Add-On Rules for SpamAssassin"

This is a very good introduction to writing rules for SpamAssassin. Especially simple ones to target short term SPAM patterns that may not spread to other geographic areas, or other businesses.

14 August 2009

A computer geek's guide to building a 64-bit server on a budget | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com

A computer geek's guide to building a 64-bit server on a budget | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com: "A computer geek's guide to building a 64-bit server on a budget"

A TechRepublic article I want to get back to when I have the time to read it properly.

12 August 2009

www.centos.org - Forums - CentOS 5 - General Support - yum update three systems with only one download?

www.centos.org - Forums - CentOS 5 - General Support - yum update three systems with only one download?:
"rsync --archive /var/cache/yum/ machine2:/var/cache/yum/"
Here's a simple way to use rsync to update the yum cache of machines from that of a previously updated machine prior to running yum update on the machine.
This can save up to a gig or more of download across 4 or more machines.

05 August 2009

Windows Xp Registry Tips & Tweaks - www.hiren.info

Windows Xp Registry Tips & Tweaks - www.hiren.info: "Windows Xp Registry Tips & Tweaks"

This page has some interesting registry hacks for XP. (and possibly 2003/8 server?)
The "Command Prompt Here" tweak is something every command prompt user needs.

Red Hat Magazine | A guide to GNU Screen

Red Hat Magazine | A guide to GNU Screen: "A guide to GNU Screen"

A good article from the boys at Red Hat on the many uses of the screen command.
The shared screen session for teaching other people is something I didn't know about, but I'm likely to use.

23 July 2009

Performanceoptimizer malware hits www.defsounds.com - Spyware Sucks

Performanceoptimizer malware hits www.defsounds.com - Spyware Sucks: "Spyware Sucks"

Not the most recent entry in this Blog, but click on the "Home" link on the left to get to the latest.
How does malware get on your computer? This site can tell you not only how, but where, when, and who was involved in making it happen.

A most interesting and commendable pastime this Person has chosen.

09 July 2009

Keeping Your VMware Linux Guest’s Clock Accurate | Excalibur Partners, LLC

Keeping Your VMware Linux Guest’s Clock Accurate | Excalibur Partners, LLC: "Keeping Your VMware Linux Guest’s Clock Accurate"

Extra Kernel parameters added are - clock=pit nosmp noapic nolapic

If using ntpd to keep time in sync, then, disable time sync in the vmware tools.

As first line of ntp.conf
tinker panic 0
This makes it sync when the error is large. Needed after suspends and snapshots.

12 June 2009

Bash by example, Part 2

Bash by example, Part 2: "Bash by example, Part 2"

IBM's contribution to learning the Bash shell and associated scripting commands.
This is the part that covers conditional constructs such as "if" and moves on to deal with "for" and "case" etc.

09 June 2009

TCP Segment of a Reassembled PDU - PHWinfo

TCP Segment of a Reassembled PDU - PHWinfo: "TCP Segment of a Reassembled PDU"

However this series of communications is more about the MTU problem diagnostic process. The problems introduced by dropping _all_ ping packets is discussed as are the habits of the Microsoft TCP stack.
Some good information for trouble shooting slow data transfers on the same network segment.

08 June 2009

Bash Guide for Beginners

Bash Guide for Beginners: "Bash Guide for Beginners"

Here's a good tutorial on Bash and the associated scripting languages and/or commands

29 April 2009

IPtables: Connection tracking

IPtables: Connection tracking: "Connection tracking"
An article explaining iptables connection tracking as used in a stateful firewall.

14 January 2009

10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com

10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com: "10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux"

The part on using udev to see a removable media device as the same device name (/dev/ipod instead of /dev/sdb) is interesting, but not explained in enough detail to make it immediatly usable. I'm guessing the lspsci command, or viewing some of the information in /proc/ will show what needs to be entered to define the device.